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xOMG-Enter-JB fake x3

=``"JustinBieberLoveYou" pretend he`s the old GuysIamDoneJB :))
Nobody blv in him,juts a girl: xColaPepsixD :|
Nd some week`s ago,one of my friend from deget send him a messager and him replay,and then ma` friend check him/her mail adress...and him ID it`s diana....@yahoo.com :))
=``Maybe xColaPepsixD posing as JB..??
=``What`s ur opinion?
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Comments • 9

Gabitza2010SmileyGirl 11 April 2011  
=)))) ok =))))
xTeenNews 11 April 2011  
NoName (: 11 April 2011  
guysiamdonejb is fake too . I never blvd in him! :| He said: xxSelenaGomezxx is the real selena! but, xxomgxx showed us that selena does NOT have an acc here . so, that means he is fake . sorry (:
xDeDaSaysAyex 12 April 2011  
he never was sure for real who`s selena...he never talked with her about deget..I asked him:who`s the real selena and he answered like I told you
xTeenNews 11 April 2011  
Oooo...ok (:
LollipopAbyss 11 April 2011  
And idc ;;). Anyway`, who does is` a sucker o.0"
xTeenNews 11 April 2011  
Bhaha..yes! :))
LollipopAbyss 11 April 2011  
xTeenNews 11 April 2011  
I know :))
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